This home built in 1924 by Benjamin Franklin and Mattie Gill is a pure expression of Colonial Revival architecture. A native of Tennessee, Franklin attended college and moved to the boom town of Oklahoma City, where he met and married Mattie and entered the feed and seed business. By 1924, when he bought the lot on 14th from G.A. Nichols, he was president of the B.F. Gill Seed Company with offices at 310 W. California.
Franklin hired the regionally famous architect Jewell Hicks to design his new home. A resident of Heritage Hills, Hicks had already created masterpieces such as the state capital and the Governor’s Mansion. Here, he used Colonial Revival simplicity with end gables, balanced facade, and formal entryway. The Gills remained in the home until 1971, when it was purchased from the estate by Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vincent.
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